- What is Utility Interval Data?
- What is a Web Proposal Session?
- How do I delete a proposal?
- How do I download proposal data?
- Why is the Utility or Rate I'm looking for not in the database?
- How do I request a rate schedule be added to the database?
- What is the turnaround time when requesting a custom rate schedule?
- How do I model a multi-metered proposal?
- What are the minimum system requirements of my computer/device for using ETB?
- What should I do if I am repeatedly getting an error message, or if the platform does not seem to be working for me?
- How secure is the data and information I enter into the system?
- How well does ETB work on a tablet or phone?
- Can multiple users within my organization share the same single license of Energy Toolbase?
- Can I extend my 14-day free trial period, I didn't get a chance to fully test out the ETB platform during the trail?
- How do I add equipment (i.e. solar panels, inverters, racking systems, battery banks) so that it shows up as a selectable option in my drop-down menus?
- When creating an Energy Use Profile, why am I seeing discrepancies between what my customer's utility bill says, and what ETB is calculating?
- Why is the annual solar production from the 8760 file I'm importing not exactly matching ETB's annual solar production value?
- How do I determine all the sub-attributes of a rate tariff for a particular customer?
- How does ETB dis-aggregate 60-minute granularity data (either usage data or solar production data) down into 15-minute increments?
- How do I adjust the O&M (Operations & Maintenance) value my proposal or cash flow statement is calculating in Energy Toolbase?
- How does ETB simulate demand reduction from solar PV?
- What's the difference of modeling pre-tax versus post-tax?
- Does ETB provide guidance on tax eligibility issues?
- How is NPV (Net Present Value) calculated and what is the discount rate?
- How is the ETB Lifetime Cost of Energy (LCOE) calculated and what does it represent?
- Does ETB build features that are requested by users?
- Does ETB recommend which utility rate schedule option my customer is eligible to switch to, and/or find the best rate?
- Are energy storage savings still included in the cash flow analysis after the system has reached it's useful life span?
- Who can contact Energy Toolbase with technical support questions on my account?
- Can ETB integrate with my existing CRM system, like Salesforce?