Demand Reduction
The Demand Reduction section in the 'Energy Use Profile & Utility Rates' portion of the Edit Proposal screen looks into the non-coincidental demand Before and After PV & Energy Storage.
The first two figures you will see in this summary are the 'Average Demand Before PV & ESS' and the 'Average Demand After PV & ESS.' These values are calculated by first finding the ratio of days in the billing period to the total number of days in the year. Then we take that ratio and multiply it by the non-coincidental max for the billing period. We repeat these steps for each billing period then take the sum of the portions we've calculated. Once we've calculated the Average Demand Before and After PV/ESS, we can now determine our third value in this summary, the Demand Reduction, by finding the difference of the Before and After PV & ESS kW amounts.
Here's an example.
We have 31 days in our billing period and a non-coincidental Max Before PV & ESS of 67 kW.
First, we need to find our ratio:
31 days / 365 = 0.08708
Then, we multiply our ratio by the Max Before value, giving us the portion of the max demand that will contribute to the Annual Average.
0.08708 * 67 = 5.83436
We will then repeat these steps for each billing period and the Demand After PV & ESS usage. Then, calculate the sum of the portions for both Demand Before and Demand After.
These are the first two values you will see in the Demand Reduction Summary. The third value, 'Demand Reduction,' can be found by taking the difference between the Before and After Demand Averages. This example gives us a Demand Reduction Value of 39.58 kW.
65.619 - 26.038 = 39.58 kW
Demand Reduction Throttle
With the ETB Demand Throttle, our users can throttle down their demand even more. To do so, click the 'Demand Throttle' button located inside of the ETB Analytics modal and apply a reduction percentage. The percent you apply will then be multiplied by your demand reduction value.
For the example above, if I have a Demand throttle percentage of 80%. My new demand reduction after throttle would be 31.88 kW.
39.58kW * 80% = 31.88kW