Create - Document Templates
From the 'More' drop-down menu on the top navigation, you can select 'View All Document Templates'. This will bring you to the 'View All Document Template' screen where you can add a new document template by clicking on the '+ Create Document' button. Each new document created will need to be customized to represent a given company. Note: only users that have permission can create new documents.
On the ‘Create Document Template’ screen, users will see a list of 'Document Template Categories' and 'Document Templates', which lists the different existing document templates users can use to create new documents. Users can also select 'Create Blank Document Template' to create a new document from scratch. Note: Energy Toolbase will periodically load new Document Templates to this Gallery, so be sure to check back.
Selecting a document from the Document Template list will copy/duplicate that document. The new name will be the identical name with a “ – Copy” after the name. From there the user can make edits to the document on the ‘Edit Document Template’ screen.