PV Systems
Where you specify details for the PV system:
Clicking the “Add PV System” button will create a PV system for the given Meter and Proposal. You can create one or many PV Arrays for a given Meter or Proposal. You will be presented with 3 options to import PV generation data.
- PVWatts Simulation
- Import HelioScope Design
- Spreadsheet Interval Data
Select Data Input Method:
PVWatts Simulation: this is a free service that comes with your Energy Toolbase subscription. From here, you can build either a “simple” or “detailed” PV array using NREL PVWatts API v8
- TMY Station: select a TMY (typical meteorological year) weather station. We default/recommended the closest station to the Facility location provided.
- Default assumptions: PVWatts API v8, we assume 14% system loss as default. Users can overwrite this assumption.
- Array Type: you can select either ‘simple’ (generically define system size and equipment) or ‘detailed’ (define the quantity, make, the model of PV panels, inverters, and racking system) array type.
- Array Shading: you select either ‘minimal’ (assumes no shade degradation) or ‘monthly shading’ (where they specify degradation values by month (i.e., for 3% shading user would specify 0.97).
- PV Array Cost: where you specify the Total installed cost of the project. Our suggested pricing engine will generate a Default project cost based on parameters defined in ‘Company Settings.’
- Physical Orientation: user defines the tilt angle and azimuth of the PV array.
- Power Rating Optimizer: This revolutionary engine will help determine which PV size may be most economical for the customer. It first looks at the consumption data from the Meter, then at the rate tariffs being used, and the project's location to determine both savings and performance.
Import HelioScope Design: HelioScope is a subscription-based service and is one of our Integration Partners. It is a PV generation software that allows you to calculate the PV generation of an array and complete the PV array layout imaging along with it. User's with a subscription can enter their HelioScope login credentials into Energy Toolbase, and we will sync up the account and import your designs into the proposal quickly and easily. Visit www.folsomlabs.com for more information on using Helioscope in conjunction with Energy Toolbase.
Spreadsheet Interval Data: This option gives you the ability to import PV Generation data from virtually any software on the market. Just export the data from any software and copy/paste it right into Energy Toolbase to perfectly represent your design characteristics and values.