Time of Use Scheduler
Our Time of Use Scheduler is where you can schedule any time of use ranges that apply to your rate. You can find the scheduler by opening the 'Seasons & TOU' modal from the Rate Schedule page.
How to use the TOU Scheduler
To apply the time of use (TOU) periods to your seasons, you will first need to check off the 'Has TOU Charges' checkbox. Once selected, you will see a chart appear. This chart is our new TOU Scheduler, and it represents every hour of a whole week. To the right of the chart is a list of TOU periods offered by the utility, as well as a cell eraser that allows you to delete time ranges from the chart.
To apply the time ranges, follow the steps below:
- From the list on the right, select the TOU Period you want to add first.
- Find the day and time you would like this period to start (ex. Monday at 1600 (4 pm))
- Then click and drag up or down to select the days it applies to and drag left or right to select the hours it spans.
- Repeat these steps to apply any additional time ranges.
To delete a TOU time frame from the scheduler, select the eraser button to the right of the chart. You can either click and drag on the scheduler to delete your desired section, or you can delete a specific TOU Period by selecting the TOU period you want to delete after selecting the eraser. If a combination of eraser and TOU period is selected, when you highlight an area on the chart, it will only remove the TOU period you have chosen from the list on the right with the eraser.
Time Intervals
You can add 15, 30, and 45 minute time intervals to any hour on the scheduler by clicking the '+ Time Interval' button found below the chart or by right-clicking a cell in the hour you would like to apply the interval. You can also remove time intervals with the same process.