Rate Schedule Page
The ‘Edit Rate Schedule’ screen is where you make edits to a rate schedule. On this page, you will find the following:
General Info: This is where we define rate schedule info and all listed attributes. The ‘Applicable Facilities Description’ is generally copied/pasted text directly from the utility rate tariff. The 'Charge Bundling' and 'What do we track?' options affect your rate's charge tables. All blue text on this portlet is clickable and will bring you to a more detailed view of this information. If in edit mode, you will be able to edit this information. Make sure to check off the 'Is Active' check box to use your rate in an Energy Use Profile.

Seasons & Time Periods: Here, you define the seasons and time-of-use info (if applicable) for a specific rate schedule. When creating Seasons, you must make sure you account for 12 months and no months are double-counted. When defining ‘Time of Use Ranges,’ you are required to make sure all seven days and you account for all 24 hours. Check out this article to learn more about our TOU Scheduler.
Billing Demand Configuration: This is where you define ratchets for seasonal demand charges as a minimum fixed demand or as a percent of a referenced value. The ratchets you apply will be accessible in step one of adding a demand charge.
Rate Schedule Charges: where you add any charges applicable to your rate. You can apply these charges as one of the following:
- Customer Charge: define the Fixed Charge values by season, per billing day, or billing period. A ‘Charge Type Description’ is displayed for each ‘Fixed Charge Type’ selected.
- Energy Charge: define the ‘energy charge type’ (i.e., flat rate, tiered, TOU, etc.), and apply the energy charge values by season and TOU period if applicable. A ‘Charge Type Description’ is displayed for each ‘Energy Charge Type’ selected.
- Demand Charge: define the ‘demand charge type’ (i.e., flat rate, tiered, TOU, etc.), and apply the demand charge values by season and TOU period if applicable. A ‘Charge Type Description’ is displayed for each ‘Demand Charge Type’ selected.
Special Programs: Here, you define the ‘demand response program type’ (i.e., peak-demand pricing, critical-peak pricing, etc.). A ‘Special Program Description’ is displayed for each ‘Special Program Type’ selected.