ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit - Setup Guide
This set up guide provides installation, configuration, commissioning and verification instructions for the ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit. ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit system of integrated parts includes a meter, current transformers, auxiliary data loggers, communications cabling and protocols, and web interfaces. This guide is broken up into the following sections:
- Prerequisites: This ensures you have all the necessary tools to be able to complete the setup.
- Installation: This involves physical installation of the associated energy meter(s) and any peripheral devices.
- Configuration & Validation: This involves the digital process of configuring meters and other data loggers, as well as establishing proper networking access for the system to operate.
- Commissioning: This involves the process of validating the installation and operation of the system. After everything is installed and configured, this step ensures the meter is properly installed, logging data, communicating, and operating.
0.1 ETB Developer Proposal Closed and ETB Monitor Site Created
Prior to commissioning, you must have a proposal in ETB Developer that is closed out, verified, and connected to ETB Monitor. To check if your site is ready, log in to ETB Monitor using your Energy Toolbase credentials. You should see your new facility listed in the inactive site list. Contact your ETB Account Manager or Regional Sales Manager for assistance.
0.2 Equipment Delivery
Verify that your ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit matches the specifications discussed during the P.O. process with your Regional Sales Manager. The ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit will be shipped with the meter and gateway device, CTs, cell service kit, communication cables, and meter enclosure.
0.3 Installation Tools and Materials
Installation tools and materials should be prepared and brought to site in advance of installation. The necessary tools and materials to install the ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit are described below.
No. |
Recommended Tool |
Quantity |
Application |
1 | Flat-head Screwdriver | Multiple |
Tighten various electrical and/or mechanical connections (various typical sizes required) |
2 | Philips-head Screwdriver | Multiple | Tighten various electrical and/or mechanical connections (various typical sizes required) |
3 | Drill with associated drill bits and Flat head/Phillips head bits | 1 | Establish pilot holes for mechanical fastening, tighten various mechanical connections |
4 | Adjustable Wrench | 1 | Tighten various sized bolts and nuts |
5 | Wire Cutters and Stripper | 1 | Snip conductor and communication ends for practical use, remove insulation when necessary, to establish electrical terminations |
6 | Plier | 1 | Affixing mechanical connections |
7 | Crimping Tool | 1+ | Use to crimp any splices, or for crimping RJ-45 connectors onto Ethernet cables |
8 | Fluke meter | 1 | Electrical testing to confirm measured load readings from CT’s installed onsite |
9 |
Shielded Communications Cabling |
100m Max Length |
SEL 735 meters only |
10 |
Additional Shielded-Twisted CT Extension Cabling |
30m Max Length |
Recommend 18 gauge stranded twisted pair |
11 |
NEMA 4 Rated Conduit Entry Hubs |
Site Specific |
Bottom entry only recommended |
12 |
Mounting Bolts / Screws |
Site Specific |
Mounting the ETB Monitor Hardware Kit. |
13 |
Anchors / Racking Components |
Site Specific |
Mounting the ETB Monitor Hardware Kit. |
14 |
CAT-6 Cables |
Site Specific |
Connecting the eGauge to local internet. |
0.4 Live Support Scheduled
Energy Toolbase provides live support, as well as a final live commissioning process. If requesting live ETB support, please provide the ETB Operations manager 24-48 hours’ notice prior to onsite work requiring support.
ETB Engineering Support - (866) 415-1445 ext. 1
Step 1: ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit Installation:
1.1 Verify ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit Components
The ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit will include the following components. The number and type of meters and CTs are dependent on the specific site requirements.
1.2 Mounting the ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit
The ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit is built in a NEMA 4X rated polyethylene enclosure that can be mounted inside of an electrical room or in an exterior location. To maintain outdoor rating all wiring connections must be made on the bottom of the enclosure. To maintain UL listing all low voltage wiring must be on the latch side of the box and all high voltage on the hinge side. The enclosure comes with mounting clips for easy installation on a wall or rack. While the enclosure is NEMA 4X rated, it is always best practice to avoid mounting the unit in direct sunlight to help prevent undue damage and accelerated aging of the system.
Figure 1 shows the dimensions of the enclosure along with the details required for mounting the enclosure. The enclosure weighs approximately 25 lbs. and should be mounted with proper wall anchors or racking components rated for the weight.
Figure 1: Technical top, front, side, and bottom view of ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit Enclosure
Please note location of wiring entry locations.
These locations must be used to maintain outdoor rating and UL listing!
1.3 Power Source
For Wye configurations, ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit requires 120-480VAC power source with neutral to power the eGauge meter and for CT reference voltages. Note: If a Delta configuration is present, please reach out to ETB Engineering Support for assistance.
1.4 Network Connection
The ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit provides multiple methods for connectivity to obtain internet access, which is necessary to connect to ETB Monitor. Most importantly, the installer/developer must make sure a network connection is ready to use based on the requirements in the sections below. Note that additional meters for circumstances like difficult cabling runs (+300ft.) can be supported by ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit. Please consult Energy Toolbase Inc. for further instruction when installing.
1.4.1 Network Connection Option 1: LTE/Cellular Installation
LTE / Cellular is available for all sites with sufficient LTE connectivity* at the ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit location.
This service comes in two forms:
ETB provided LTE service (recommended)
- The Energy Toolbase, Inc. support team will provide a SIM card and LTE modem prior to site commissioning and installation
- ETB support will manage the configuration and maintenance of the network.
Installer/Developer provided LTE service
- Work with ETB support to source the proper LTE hardware and service
- Network access must be made available and managed by the LTE service administrator per eGauge manufacturer instructions:
*LTE connectivity at the ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit location should be confirmed before this option is chosen
1.4.2 Network Connection Option 2: Ethernet Connection
An ethernet switch is provided inside of the ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit enclosure where the eGauge meter will be connected to the local device network. The enclosure comes pre-wired with the eGauge meter connected to this switch via CAT-6. If a site requires multiple eGauge meters, installers must run CAT-6 cable from the eGauge device port to the device network switch provided. To use wired ethernet, network access must be made available by the site IT administrator to ensure that an active network port is available. ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit does NOT need access to any of the host customers local area network. The network drop provided should be configured per eGauge manufacturer instructions:
1.5 Metering & CTs
The eGauge meter should be installed per manufacturer instructions pertaining to location, CT terminals, and voltage references:
Meters supplied by ETB come pre-configured and will only require minor adjustments to meet the site-specific requirements. Once the meter is installed and connected to the internet, ETB support will work with the local installer to remotely complete final configuration. Energy Toolbase, Inc. prescribes a standard CT wiring convention at the eGauge terminal block. This will enable an efficient and streamlined commissioning process. For a clean wiring convention, phases A, B, and C should correspond to sequentially increasing terminal connections on the eGauge unit (e.g. A=1, B=2, C=3). Following this specific guidance will enable the most effective commissioning support from Energy Toolbase, Inc.
- Connect voltage references for L1, L2, and L3 with phases A, B, and C; in that order. These phase references must coincide with phase connections on the CT leads to properly receive energy readings.
- Battery ESS metering: CT terminals 1, 2, and 3 are utilized for phases A, B, and C; in that order
- Solar Photovoltaic metering: CT terminals 4, 5, and 6 are utilized for phases A, B, and C; in that order.
- Aux 1 metering: CT terminals 7, 8, and 9 are utilized for phases A, B, and C; in that order.
- Aux 2 metering: CT terminals 10, 11, and 12 are utilized for phases A, B, and C; in that order.
- Building Load metering: CT terminals 13, 14, and 15 are utilized for phases A, B and C; in that order.
1.5.1 Extending CT Leads
Splicing. When the extension of factory CT leads is required, it is imperative that the splicing be done properly and verified with a field test. eGauge recommends a soldered and insulated connection for CT splices to ensure reliable continuity and long-lasting connections. Please refer to eGauge FAQ link for additional information:
Note: eGauge specifically prohibits wire nut as a connecting device.
Tests can be performed with resistance readings as follows:
1. Before installing CT, ensure the loop is closed.
2. At the CT, prior to the splice, measure resistance from one CT lead to the other. Record this data
3. Complete the splice
4. At the termination end of the extended lead, measure resistance from one CT lead to the other. This value should match the recorded value at the CT
5. Upon confirmation of matching values, install CT as recommended per manufacturer's guidelines - see link for more information:
Lead Extensions. When extending CT leads, ensure there are no excess coils of cable within the CT lead at either end. Cable used to extend the lead must be a twisted pair and is recommended to be stranded 18AWG (over 50' run) or 22AWG (under 50' run) wire. Note: Per the NEC, cable extensions inside AC switchgear/raceways/conduits must have 600V rated insulation jacket to avoid complications with inspections.
CT leads cannot extended beyond 100'. If distance exceeds 100', a second eGauge meter will be required. Please contact ETB Operations for support.
Step 2: Device Configuration & Validation:
Before leaving the site, it is imperative to configure and validate the measurements being read by the meter. This will drastically reduce the chances of another site visit.
The onsite electrician should utilize a clamp or fluke meter and check each onsite CT reading against the readings within the eGauge. This exercise can be done by powering on the eGauge meter and viewing the readings on the screen for each phase.
2.1 Configuring an eGauge 4015 procured through Energy Toolbase:
Log in to the eGauge Web Portal with the login credentials provided to you by Energy Toolbase. Verify that the meter has an active internet connection and that all required loads are being measured by viewing the data on the metering chart.
2.2 Configuring an eGauge 4015 procured directly from eGauge or via a 3rd Party
Log in to the eGauge Web Portal with the login credentials provided to you by your meter provider. Verify that the meter has an active internet connection and that all required loads are being measured by viewing the data on the metering chart.
2.2.1 Connecting an eGauge Meter Sourced by a Third Party to ETB Monitor
Follow the steps outlined in Connecting an eGauge to ETB Monitor (
Step 3: Commissioning:
Please refer to the eGauge manual for commissioning and inputting appropriate CT/PT information:
After configuration is complete, contact ETB Engineering Support - (866) 415-1445 ext. 1. Live support will validate the meter readings remotely, provide troubleshooting as necessary, and complete the connection of your ETB Monitoring: Standard Hardware Kit to your site in ETB Monitor. If the above installation steps were followed the final live commissioning will take about 20 minutes.
- Refer to the attached Monitoring only wiring diagram for more information: