Understanding ETB User Roles
Energy Toolbase defines several user roles that are key to managing the people that have access to Lead and Template associated records as well as Billing, Company, and User data.
Roles are first assigned when you invite a user to your account. Then, when the user accepts the invite and logs in, they will only have access to the permissions designated to that role.
ETB Developer user roles overview
ETB Developer supports the following user roles:
- Administrator: For business owners or company administrators
- Can Edit Personal Lead Details
- Can Edit All Leads for Company
- Can Edit Company Solar PV Equipment and Settings
- Can Edit Company Profile
- Can Edit Company Proposal Inputs
- Can Edit Company Incentive Templates
- Can Edit Company Rate Schedule
- Can Edit Company Document Templates
- Can Edit Company Transaction Settings
- Can Edit Company Subscription Settings
- Can Edit Company Users
- Can Invite Users
- Manager: For users who need full access to Lead records, Template records, and Company Admin data but cannot assign/edit roles higher than the Manager level
- Can Edit Personal Lead Details
- Can Edit All Leads for Company
- Can Edit Company Solar PV Equipment and Settings
- Can Edit Company Profile
- Can Edit Company Proposal Inputs
- Can Edit Company Incentive Templates
- Can Edit Company Rate Schedule
- Can Edit Company Document Templates
- Can Edit Company Transaction Settings
- Can Edit Company Users
- Can Invite Users
- Team Member: For users who need full access to their Lead associated records and who need the ability to view Template level records
- Can only edit their Leads
Monitor User Roles Overview
ETB Monitor supports the following user roles:
- Administrator: For users who need full read/write access to sites and company admin data
- Has Utility Bill Details View
- Can Create Subscriptions
- Can Edit Subscriptions
- Can Delete Subscriptions
- Has Special Programs View
- Can Manage Special Programs
- Has Override View
- Can Create Overrides
- Can Delete Overrides
- Can Edit Company Profile
- Can Edit All Company Users
- Can Invite Users: All Roles
- Asset Manager: For users who need full read/write access to sites
- Has Utility Bill Details View
- Can Create Subscriptions
- Can Edit Subscriptions
- Can Delete Subscriptions
- Has Special Programs View
- Can Manage Special Programs
- Has Override View
- Can Create Overrides
- Can Delete Overrides
- Can Edit Company Profile
- Can Edit Company Users: Up to the Asset Manager Role
- Can Invite Users: Up to the Asset Manager Role
- Asset Viewer: For users who need read access to sites
- Has Utility Bill Details View
- Can Create Subscriptions
- Can Edit Subscriptions
- Can Delete Subscriptions
- Has Special Programs View