(SMART) Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target
Massachusetts SMART Program: The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER), in conjunction with the participating electric utilities, sets its sights even higher for the most energy-efficient state in the nation by launching the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program. Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program to create a long-term sustainable solar incentive program that promotes cost-effective solar development in the Commonwealth. The SMART Program is a long-term sustainable solar incentive program sponsored by Eversource, National Grid, and Unitil. SMART will encourage solar photovoltaic (PV) technology by supporting 1,600 MW of new solar generating capacity. These new Solar Tariff Generation Units (STGUs) will generate clean, renewable power for decades to come. Along with this first block of awards, the Base Compensation Rate levels have been set for the SMART program. On November 26, 2018, the SMART Program became available to solar PV projects of all types and sizes, up to 5 MW per project. The SMART program is a declining block program in which the incentive levels will decline by prescribed amounts over up to eight blocks per Electric Distribution Company (EDC) territory. Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target
How we handle SMART in ETB: Energy Toolbase has all of the SMART global incentives activated for both PV & ESS. Using the SMART program calculator, you will insert the estimated value in the 'special reference value' to best model & represent your SMART tariff.
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