Market-Specific Utility Rates Training Session - Missouri
Our utility rates team understands that not all rates are the same. They vary from state, to county, and utility. This webinar series will be dedicated to a market-specific demonstration of a rate creation. We want to provide an opportunity for our users to learn how certain states' common rates are structured, how to create your accurate rates in those markets, or to modify the ETB global rates to reflect the customer’s billing. We will cover a variety of markets, including California, Illinois, Texas, New Jersey, New York, and many others. This month we cover the Missouri market.
Webinar topics include:
- A breakdown of the components of real-life examples and bill samples from Ameren and Evergy (West & Metro).
- A deep dive into the various charge types utilized by electric companies in specific territories
- Review the ways to obtain the most effective rate information in Ameren and Evergy (West & Metro) territories.